Thursday, March 8, 2012

Celebrity Couples I Wish Would Get Back Together

I'm totally going 13-year-old-girl on y'all tonight. Bear with me. There are a few Hollywood couples that I have wanted to see reunited for years. Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears are near the top of this list. Crazy? That's what most people think. Justin Timberlake has had a stable career, while Britney has been all over the place crazy. But there is something about these two that just screams "we belong together." Really.

(I'm a copyright Nazi. Pictures can be found at . . .



Look how happy Britney is. Oh the days before she went crazy. Doesn't everyone long for a return to that version of Ms. Spears? Anyways. They're just so perfectly pop-y for each other. They are of the same "boy band/6th grade/Mickey Mouse Club/" era. And I think they look cute together. (Shallow? maybe. Don't judge.)

Who else do I think should get back together?


Billy Joel and Christie Brinkley. At least this suggestion is a bit more realistic. They never made music videos about their break up . . . "Cry me a River" anyone?

Again. Photo came from

BUT. Chritie Brinkley WAS in one of Billy Joel's videos. "Uptown Girl." Look up the video. It's precious to see her in it. According to Wikipedia, Joel took the song off his tour schedule for a period of time after they broke up. Heartache :(

According to what I have read about the pair, they are still really good friends. Which is great. Great news for getting back together? If only.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


It is easy to forget the basics sometimes.

I feel like an idiot for admitting this. But it took me nearly two whole months into my job search before I remembered that praying over job applications is something that I not only CAN do . . . but really SHOULD do.

Almost immediately after I began to pray about this subject . . . 5+ job interviews opportunities came my way.

I'm grateful, Heavenly Father. I needed that reminder about prayer . . . as well as the merciful assurance that He is mindful of me. Even when I'm not as mindful as I should be.


This sumer was one of the most fun summers ever. One of my best friends and I had so many random crazy adventures. Ever since I've moved back east I've tried to find similar crazy things to do.

I'm dating the most perfect person for me. I have so much fun when we're together. But the problem is, he lives 3 hours away from me. Which brings me to the point that I have been churning lately. I need girlfriends. I miss roommates. And while this may sound pathetic. Hear me out. Girlfriends fill a role that can last through the changes of life. I consider some of my best friends to be the same girls I was friends with when I was 7. Seriously. The problem is: all my friends are all over the country. The Barlow Center interns all went back to Provo. The holidays came and went, and now in the first few months of the new year I am faced with the daunting reality that I need to start settling into social circles here in my new state.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Roads. Memories. First date. Stream of Consciousness

I was driving on Vale Road this week. I love this road, I've drive on it for years. it's the road my family took when I was a little girl to get to church each Sunday. In high school, it was the road we braved late at night to get to stake dances. There is one house that used to put up the most fabulous Halloween decorations each October. The road is curvey, and twisted, and covered in trees. Being home brings back so many memories. Feeding horses on Sunday mornings, exploring houses under construction, hills that make your stomach turn, friends, being released as a missionary, filling up buses for youth trips.

Then I had a temp assignment this week at Reston Town Center. Another place that brings back a lot of memories. Ice skating at the rink each winter. Having my 11th birthday party there. A Halloween carnival where I dressed up as Raggedy And and my little sister was Little Bo Peep. Reston is also the place where I had my very first date. EVER. Awkward. We saw The Village and got Unos Pizza. That might have been the only date I went on while I was in high school. Hmm. Maybe that would be good blog fodder some time. (b.t.w. My mom came into my room one day and kind of out of the blue suggested that I blog about my first kiss. Maybe I'll work my way up to the kiss story by talking first dates first.) Anyway. Reston is also where I had a surprise birthday party on my 16th birthday.

This is home. I love it.

Sorry for the stream of consciousness style posting today.
I'm usually better at writing than this. I haven't been blogging in a while, but I have noticed that blogging makes me really happy. There is something fulfilling about looking at each day through appreciative eyes. When you are looking for good thing to write about, tender mercies that happen throughout your day, and just funny things that make good blog fodder . . . life is even more enjoyable.

Imma try to start writing more so that the blog is a "healthy" one.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


This year has easily been the most difficult one of my entire life. When I was finishing my mission both my stake president and my mission president said something to the effect of “the adversary will seek revenge for the work you have done.” I knew that would be true. I just don’t think I expected it to be such a long revenge. Don’t get me wrong. This year certainly hasn’t been all bad. But I just wanted to write some of what I have felt. I haven’t written in so long, and writing helps me understand my life.

The most important stage of life is the one I am heading into next, so it only makes sense that a paralyzing fear of marriage would be one of Satan’s greatest tactics. I have looked at myself and have felt so inadequate. There are so many things I don’t know, and as a result I have had felt very unprepared to be a wife or a mom. I felt as if I would be a disappointment, or unprepared, or weak. . . . all unfair things to a future family. So for most of the past year, I found it safest not to even try to head in that direction at all. Being awkward around boys in the first place certainly helped me remain a wallflower. I came dangerously close to not wanting to ever marry at all, and being perfectly fine with that.

Well, why am I writing all of this? There are a lot of reasons, but mostly, it stems from something I learned at church today. I have come to see each Sunday as a mini “General Conference,” a spiritual re-boost each week. A boost that I greatly need and am so grateful that my Heavenly Father provides me.

We were talking about gardening, and how we cultivate our lives. Our testimonies, talents, and abilities don’t come all at once. As a little girl, my family lived in California, and I remember going to go see the great Redwood trees there. They were huge! Especially so as a small child! I realized today, that in a sense, I have been idolizing the great “Redwood-tree-type” people of my life, meanwhile forgetting that we don’t become Redwoods all at once. It takes time. And that’s ok! It’s more than ok. For one of the first times in a long time, my expectations of what I want to be didn’t paralyze me with fear. Instead, I found it exciting to think that becoming a “Redwood” is actually possible. It seemed more of an exciting possibility and challenge rather than something I am condemned for not being already.

All at once, memories of precious tender mercies from my Heavenly Father came streaming through my mind. My dear, dear, final companion of my mission, (who I have no doubt was sent to train me instead of the other way around) who reminded me of something I knew on the mission. We received such divine help in all the work we did. I felt such a strong conviction that the work is so important to our Heavenly Father. “Sister Waters,” she said. “Why would it be any different when you go home and begin to teach your own children, a stewardship that is more eternal and important than the stewardship we have here? Of course you would receive help there as well. Divine help, and earthly help”

I remembered the words of my mission president who taught me the wisdom in marrying younger, and not older if possible. “You see, a great part of marriage is learning from each other, molding, and changing. If you wait too long, you risk becoming stubborn and un-moldable.” So, in other words, I don’t have to wait until I’m perfect. Or more strongly put, I CAN’T be perfect until I reach that step. It’s essential.

Then, there were the words of my dear former zone leader. One of the kindest and most remarkable people I know. After this last general conference, he told me about a lady he works with who said “its not been the best day, but its better to not have the best day than to miss it all.” I love that. I don’t want to look back and think I “missed it all.”

I have so many blessings in my life. Will the things in this post resolve my fears automatically? If you know me at all, you’ll know that I am a worrier and that some things are easier said than done. But writing helps. I can continue to pray that these things gradually bring me out of the tunnel I’ve been in for the last while. And that life will get easier, in a sense.

I am going to miss Utah. It helps that most of my friends have moved on from this place, but I love this state all the same. Most of all, I am going to miss the pioneer temples here. There is something extra sacred about them I believe. I think there is also a special reverence for temples with which your family is associated. I went to visit the Manti temple yesterday, and it was so worth it! One of my best friends thinks I am ridiculous. I tell her that I would rather be married in St. George, Manti or Salt Lake than in DC. She says that the DC temple is probably one of the most popular temples in the world, and I live there, so why would I prefer Utah’s temples? Yet it makes perfect sense to me. Unfortunately, the days of it being practical to get married in Utah are coming to an end. On the other hand, moving closer to home increases the likelihood of ending up closer to family in the long run. And that’s a blessing I am happy to live with!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Why I Love Country Music

Country music. People generally hate it or love it. I think there are very few people who are ambivalent about it. Well, I guess there are the pop-country lovers. You know, the people who only like artists like Taylor Swift and Rascal Flatts.

How did I become a country fan? Somebody could write a pretty good country song out of the story actually.

My senior year of high school I had the biggest crush on this boy that sat in one of my classes. I mean, he would read the bible in class while everyone else was chattering about silly high school issues. My heart melted.

In an effort to have more in common with said boy, I began to listen to country music. (His myspace page indicated he was a fan...I guess I've been a social network stalker from an early age.)

I would listen to country music, until it got to the point that I began to recognize certain artists.

With time, my obsession with this boy faded away. But my obsession for country music did not fade. If anything, it has grown stronger. The boy couldn't keep my heart, but the music did.

Why is country music so appealing?

It is America's music. I love the United States, so it seems natural for me to adore music that identifies this country's origins.

Country music is real. It tells people's stories. It celebrates life and the little things about life that we sometimes take for granted. It isn't pretentious. It's hard to be pretentious with banjos in the background. It's honest.

Usually, country music is pretty clean, at least in comparison to other genres. It also often has religious themes.

You can sing along to it. I love anything you can sing to.

The lyrics can be hilarious.

Sometimes you hear a song on the radio that sounds like some old man, back-woods hillbilly is singing it, only to discover that it is actually someone quite attractive.

The break up songs are some of the best.

What would this ode to country music be without a playlist?

Darius Rucker

Phil Vassar

Sara Evans

There's too many good choices.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I am super bored. I've been meaning to be the caliber of blogger I used to be, but life has been so busy lately. But since I have time waiting for my class to start, let me give you a re-cap of my day.

5:00-ish am: My alarm goes off. Nope. I am going back to sleep. Let's forget getting ready for the day. I'd rather just roll out of bed in an hour and savor the extra sleep.

6:00-ish am Throw everything into my suitcase, throw on some clothes and head off to the airport.

8:00-ish am Fly. I hate flying.

Let's forget this whole time format. Anyways, continuing the story...

I get into Salt Lake City and figure out that the work meeting I thought I had with Dean Magleby actually isn't today. Sweet. I'll just spend the day in Salt Lake.

So I drive around... going about 1 MPH anytime I see rail road tracks (That's another story, rail road tracks scare me) And go figure, SL city is FULL of railroad tracks. Somehow, I end up in the sketchiest part of town, driving down this "back ally" type street, when I see a homeless looking guy running around in the middle of the street. Is he dancing? Does he want me to give him a ride? Is he just crazy? Is he just being spontaneous? I have no idea, although my hunch is that he was a hitch-hiker. I was worried he wouldn't let me through. Who am I kidding? I'm in a car? Of course I'm going to win this battle. Needless to say, I got through without an incident.

THEN...I'm driving down State Street. When this guy pulls up next to me and waves. He seems genuinely friendly, and not too creepy. At first the wave threw me off, but then I realized, hey, it's Utah, and it's fun to see friendly people. So I wave back, thinking how nice it is to still see happy friendly people. At the next light he gets me to roll down my window, and wants me to call him on his cell-phone. So I did.

Actually, no. I didn't. Did I get you on that one? I just drove off. Maybe it's just me, but that was the point where friendly crosses over into creepy.

Anyway. I finally find parking in Salt Lake. Did I mention it's snowing? Yup. And I'm wearing flip flops. So I trudge through the puddles up to the BYU Salt Lake Center, where I go to get a parking pass. But guess what? They want to take a new photo ID. Great. Such a good day to decide to skip the shower and makeup in favor of sleep. Oh well, what the heck. I'd rather have a parking pass than a pretty photo ID.

Ok. Done with that. It's the first day of classes, so I might as well make an effort to actually get ready for the day now. Good thing I'm running out of makeup right? Ok. Off to find a make-up store. Since when did Salt Lake get so many homeless people? This endeavor ends up being a fail. Finally I just give up and decide to salvage the remnants of whatever is left in my makeup case and deal with the consequences.

So that's that! My day in Salt Lake. I've been sitting here at BYU Salt Lake for like 4+ hours cause my class isn't until 7:30. I got some work done.


I saw a T-Shirt similar to THIS one for sale. Oh Salt Lake City. What an adventure.